

Chapter - 3 The Delhi Sultanate


 Exercise Answers

A. Choose the correct answer:

1. The first ruler of Delhi Sultanate was:
a. Muhammad of Ghor
b. Iltutmish
c. Qutbuddin Aibak
d. Mahmud of Ghazni
Ans. c. Qutbuddin Aibak

2. The Mamluk Dynasty was followed by the Dynasty of the:
a. Sayyids
b. Khalijis
c. Lodis
d. Ghoris
Ans. b. Khalijis

3. The greatest ruler of Khalji Dynasty was:
a. Alauddin
b. Jalaluddin
c. Nasiruddin
d. Ghiyasuddin
Ans. a. Alauddin

4. This Mongol from Samarkand attacked India during the rule of the Tughlaqs:
a. Genghis Khan
b. Timur
c. Babur
d. Qutbuddin Aibak
Ans. a. Genghis Khan

B. Fill in the blanks:

1. ________ was the only woman ruler to sit on the throne of Delhi.
Ans. Raziya Sultan

2. Muhammad bin Tughlaq ordered his capital to be shifted from Delhi to ________.
Ans. Devagiri

3. ________ was the first Sultan of the Sayyid Dynasty.
Ans. Khizr Khan

4. The Governor of Punjab, ____________, invited Babur to invade and overthrow Ibrahim Lodi.
Ans. Daulat Khan

C. Answer in one or two sentences.

1. Why was the first dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate known as the Mamluk Dynasty?

Ans. The dynasty that he established came to be known as Mamluk (meaning 'owned' in Arabic) Dynasty as most of its rulers had started off as slaves.  

2. What kind of a ruler was Razia?
Ans. Razia was a wise and capable queen. She dressed like a man and a rode an elephant while leaving her troops. 

3. How did khizr Khan become the Sultan of Delhi? What is his dynasty known as? 
Ans. The Tughlaq Dynasty's reign came to an end when Timur marched into Delhi and captured the city in 1397-98 CE. One of Timur's officers, Sayyid Khirgiz Khan, founded the Sayyid Dynasty. 

4. Who were the iqtedars? 
Ans. The owners of iqtas, called iqtedars, were allowed to collect taxes from their land. 

5. What is a tawarikh? Name a few scholars who authored during the rule of Delhi sultans. 
Ans. There are also valuable writings in Persian (the language of administration under the Sultans) called tawarikh
Few notable scholars who authored during the rule of Delhi sultans were Ziauddin Barani, Amir Khusrau and Minhaj i Siraj. 

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