

Chapter 16, Know Your Body


Choose the correct answers:

1. Which part / s of the human body contain ring like muscles called sphincters?

  • a. Stomach
  • b. Mouth
  • c. Both a and b

Ans. a. Stomach 

2. If you have comparatively little pigment in your iris, what will be the colour of your eyes?

  • a. Blue
  • b. Grey
  • c. Hazel

Ans. a. Blue

3. In which part of the body are cells not replaced when they die?

  • a. Brain
  • b. Lungs
  • c. Skin

Ans. b. Lungs

4. Melatonin hormone secreted by the pineal gland which helps to sleep. Which of these adversely affects its production?

  • a. Darkness
  • b. Bright light
  • c. Alcohol 

Ans. c. Alcohol

5. Human pass gas which is created in their colon by bacteria for which they have swallowed. How many times is it considered normal to pass gas in a day? 

  • a. 52 - 100 times
  • b. 10 - 20 times
  • c. 200 - 350 times

Ans. b. 10 - 20 times

6. What are our teeth made of?

  • a. Enamel and Bone
  • b. Bone and Dentine
  • c. Dentine and Enamel      

Ans. c. Dentine and Enamel

7. Which side of the brain controls the right side of your body? 
  • a. Left side
  • b. Right side
  • c. Upper side

Ans. a. Left side

8. Which part of the human brain processes the smell? 
  • a. Olfactory cortex
  • b. Olfactory bulb
  • c. Both a and b

Ans. a. Olfactory Cortex

9. In human body where does the humerus bone lie? 
  • a. Lower leg
  • b. Upper arm
  • c. Lower arm

Ans. b. Upper Arm

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