

Chapter 6, Learning Dreamweaver


Exercise answers

A. Multiple choice questions: 

1. Dreamweaver is an example of which of the following type of HTML Editors?
a. Text HTML
c. Word editors
d. Multimedia Editors

Ans. b. WYSIWYG HTML Editors
2. A view that lets you view both the code view and design view for the same document in a single window is called: 
a. Design view
b. Split view
c. Code view
d. None of these

Ans. b. Split view

3. What is a property inspector?
a. A control centre to edit the properties of the selected object in the document window
b. A design environment for visual page layout and editing
c. A Web Page editor, for creating web pages
d. None of the above 

Ans. a. A control centre to edit the properties of the selected object in the document window

4. What is a regular link?
a. The link which you have already visited
b. A plane unvisited link
c. Link which you are clicking at the moment
d. A broken link

Ans. b. A plane unvisited link

5. Retaining the required image portion and remove the unwanted surrounded area is called: 
a. Filter effect
b. Border
c. Cropping
d. Chopping

Ans. c. Cropping

6. An email link looks like: 
a. <mailto>sonisahil@gmail.com
b. mailto:sonisahil@gmail.com
c. mailto&sonisahil@gmail.com
d. mailto$sonisahil@gmail.com

Ans. b. mailto:sonisahil@gmail.com

B. State the following sentences has true or false:

1. The code and design view lets you view both the code you and the design view for the same document in a single window. 

2. The property inspector is the control Center to edit the properties of the selected object on the document window.

3. The setting the background color option is under the links category. 

4. Flash buttons have a ready made three stage look. 

5. To retain the required image portion and remove the unwanted surrounded area you can crop the image. 

6. You cannot set an image as the background for the web page.

C. Fill in the blanks.

1. Dreamweaver is a ________ type of editor. 

2. The ________ is a design environment for visual page layout, editing and development.
Ans. Document window

3. The ________ toolbar is used when you have to insert images, hyperlinks, tables and other elements in your web page. 
Ans. Insert

4. An _________ link is the link which you are clicking at the moment. 
Ans. Active

5. If you want the linked file to open in a new window, select _______ from the target drop-down list. 
Ans. _blank

6. The concept of the ________ image is that when somebody points to the image, a new image appears at place of previous image. 
Ans. Rollover

D. Match the following:

E. Answer in one word or sentence. 

1. Give an example of text editor.
Ans. Notepad

2. What is the full form of WYSIWYG?
Ans. What You See Is What You Get

3. What are WYSIWYG HTML Editors?
Ans. Web page editors

4. Which view lets you view both the code and design view for the same document in a single window?
Ans. Split view

5. Which button allows you to preview or debug your document in a browser?
Ans. Preview in browser

6. From where you can select the appearance category? 
Ans. Category pane

7. Where is the cropping icon located in Dreamweaver? 
Ans. Property inspector

8. Where will you add a text description to an image in Dreamweaver?
Ans. Alt text box

F. Answer the following:

1. What is Dreamweaver?

Ans. Dreamweaver is a web page editor for creating web pages with a wide variety of features without having to write the HTML code. 

2. Which type of links are there? How can you change a string of text or an image into a hyperlink?

Ans. • There are four types of links:
a) Regular
b) Visited
c) Active
d) Rollover

• To create a hyperlink follow the steps:

a) Select the text/image you want to make into the link.
b) In the Property Inspector, alongside the link field, click on the folder icon. 
c) The select file dialogue box opens. Select the file and click on the Ok button.

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