

Fuel Power (G.K)


Exercise answers

A. Name some commonly used fuels:

1. The lightest and simplest of all fuels. This gaseous fuel is obtained from fossil fuels. It is used to power space rockets and some vehicles. It produces zero-emission.

Ans. Hydrogen

2. This liquid fuel was first distilled from coal by Abraham Gesner. Now a days it is obtained from petroleum and is used in rural India to light lamps and lanterns. 

Ans. Kerosene

3. This fuel is considered a green fuel as it produces less toxic emissions than others. Its use is being promoted in vehicles by various governments in India. 

Ans. Petrol

4. This bio-fuel is obtained by fermentation of sugar is derived from wheat, corn, sugarcane, etc. It is blended with petrol to run vehicles. 

Ans. Ethanol

5. The chemical name of this fuel is propane or butane. It is used for cooking or heating purposes in homes

Ans. LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas)

6. This fuel is obtained by fractional distillation of petroleum and is also known as gasoline. It is mainly used to run vehicles.

Ans. CNG(Compressed Natural Gas)

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