

Scientific Awareness (G.K)

 Exercise answers

A. Tick the correct answer:

1. Which of these is not a green-house gas? 
a. Hydrogen
b. Methane
c. Carbon dioxide

Ans. a. Hydrogen

2. Which of these is a result of the upthrust or the upward push of water?
a. Surface tension
b. Buoyancy
c. Refraction

Ans. b. Buoyancy

3. What gas is usually filled inside an electric bulb?
a. Argon
b. Oxygen
c. Hydrogen

Ans. a. Argon

4. Quartz crystals that are normally used in the quartz clocks are chemically known as:
a. Sodium silicate
b. Sodium hydroxide
c. Silicon dioxide

Ans. c. Silicon dioxide

5. Which of these is used as a lubricant?
a. Diamond
b. Graphite
c. Silicon

Ans. b. Graphite

6. The gases used in different types of welding include Oxygen and:
a. Hydrogen
b. Nitrogen
c. Acetylene

Ans. a. Hydrogen

7. The property of a substance to absorb moisture from the air is called:
a. Efflorescence
b. Sulfurosis
c. Deliquescence

Ans. c. Deliquescence

8. When an iron nail gets rusted iron oxide is formed. What happens to the weight of the nail in the process?
a. It increases
b. It decreases
c. No change

Ans. a. It increases

B. Match the commonly used substances with their chemical names:

C. The international system of units (SI System) has prescribed some basic units for the measurement of various physical quantities. Read each statement given below and complete the name of the unit. 

1. The basic unit for the measurement of temperature. 
K _ _ V _ _

2. The basic unit for measuring the luminous intensity. 
C _ _ D _ _ A

3. The basic unit for the measurement of electric current. 
A _ _ E _ E

4. The basic unit for the measurement of pressure or strain. 
P _ _ _ A _

5. The basic unit for measuring the amount of a substance. 
M _ _ _

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