

Chapter 8, The First Empire

 Exercise Answers

A. Choose the correct answer:

1. Chandragupta Maurya overthrew the Nanda rulers with the help of:

a. Seleucus
b. Megasthenes
c. Ashoka
d. Chanakya

Ans. d. Chanakya

2. The small Kingdom that resisted Ashoka's might long after the other kingdoms surrendered was:

a. Mysore
b. Kabul
c. Kalinga
d. Kanchipuram

Ans. c. Kalinga

3. Ashoka communicated his thoughts to his subjects through:

a. his edicts
b. warfare
c. Jain monks
d. his army

Ans. a. his edicts

4. The third Buddhist Council was held at:

a. Sarnath
b. Rajagriha
c. Taxila
d. Pataliputra 

Ans. d. Pataliputra

B. Fill in the blanks:

1. Alexander invaded India in ________.
Ans. 326 B.C.E

2. Indica was written by _____________.
Ans. Megasthenes

3. Chandragupta Maurya was succeeded by his son _______.
Ans. Bindusara

4. Ashoka gave up warfare after the battle of ________.
Ans. Kalinga

5. _________ was the last Maurya emperor. 
Ans. Ashoka

C. Answer in one or two sentences.

1. What is an Empire? Who founded the first empire in ancient India?

Ans. An Empire is a Kingdom spread over a vast area, with many officials helping the emperor govern it. 
The rulers of the Maurya dynasty created the first empire in India.

2. Who was Chanakya? What was the importance of the treatise he wrote? 

Ans. Chanakya or Kautilya was an  important minister in the court of the Nandas. 
The arthashastra written by Chanakya is recognised even today as a masterful treatise on the principles of governing a state. 

3. Who was Seleucus Nicator?

Ans. He was the Greek governor left behind by Alexander. 

4. What is the meaning of Dhamma?

Ans. Dhamma is a prakriti word meaning religious duty. 

5. What are edicts?

Ans. Edicts are laws or proclamations carved on rock or stone pillars. 

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