

Chapter 9, A Happy Birthday


Exercise Answers

A. Underline the incorrect words and write the correct words in the blanks: 

1. Grandma was watching the sun set when the two little boys came into her room. ____________
Ans. rise

2. Grandma's favourite nephew came to eat lunch with her. 
Ans. niece

3. The dinner table was ornamented with a splendid cake. 
Ans. tea

4. A Musical box in the hall played loud music.
Ans. soft

5. Every gift had a story attached to it. 
Ans. poem

6. Everybody filled their glasses with milk and drank a toast to grandma. 
Ans. water

B. Read these lines and answer the questions. 

1. These two fellows were quite bursting with the great secrets of the day. . .

a. Who were the ' two fellows '?
Ans. grandchildren 

b. What were the "great secrets" with which they were bursting? 
Ans. A fine Lunch was cooked. Her favourite niece came to eat it with her.

c. What did they have to do to keep the secrets? 
Ans. They had to rush out as soon as breakfast was done. 

2. This was cut by the queen of the fete. 

a. What does 'This' refers to in this line? 
Ans. Birthday cake

b. Who was the "Queen of the fete"?
Ans. Grandma

c. What happened after she cut it? 
Ans. Then they all filled their glasses with water and drank the toast, "Grandma Good bless her!"

C. Answer these questions.

1. How did the family usually celebrate occasions like birthdays? 
Ans. The family always made a great deal of such occassions and often got up very funny amusements. 

2. How did the grandchildren wish grandma?
Ans. "A Happy birthday, Gramma!" cried the little ghosts, running to kiss smiling old face. 

3. How did the grandma spend the afternoon on her birthday? 
Ans. All the afternoon, friends and presents kept coming. Grandma, in her best gown and cap, sat in state to receive them. 

4. Why was grandma not allowed to go into the study? What did she do while waiting? 
Ans. Because the boys were preparing some fun in honour of the occasion.

5. How did the family end the day?
Ans. The family went to grandma's room and round grandma's bed, with goodnight kisses. 

6. What did grandma feel about the day? 
Ans. The grandma said to the family "it has been a beautiful and happy day, my dears. You must always remember that I thought this is one of my best and brightest birthday ever."

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