

Chapter 8 Rural and Urban Livelihoods


Exercise Answers

A. Choose the correct answer.

1. This is not a primary activity:
a. Farming
b. Mining
c. Teaching
d. Fishing
Ans. c. Teaching 

2. This is a secondary activity:
a. Banking
b. making an aircraft
c. Farming
d. treating the sick
Ans. b. making an aircraft 

3. The main cause for farmer suicides in India is :
a. lack of education
b. poor quality of seeds
c. lack of irrigation facilities
d. indebtedness 
Ans. d. indebtedness

4. The movement of farmers from villages to the cities in search of jobs is called: 
a. harvesting
b. seasonal migration
c. Outsourcing
d. indebtedness
Ans. b. seasonal migration

5. This person works in the unorganised sector: 
a. an owner of a restaurant
b. a person selling fish in the market
c. a woman sewing clothes in an unauthorised factory
d. a doctor employed in a government hospital
Ans. c. a woman sewing clothes in an unauthorised factory

B. Mark the sentences as True or False 

1. In villages, most peoples are owners of farmland. 
Ans. False

2. Large farmers not only own farmland, they also own other property. 
Ans. True

3. The interest charged on loan by large farmers is usually lower than that charge by banks. 
Ans. False

4. People engaged in fishing are unemployed during the monsoon because of heavy rains. 
Ans. False

5. Migration of rural people to urban areas leads to the creation of slums. 
Ans. True

C. Answer in one or two sentences.

1. What does the word livelihood mean?
Ans. The job or activity that helps secure for a person the basic necessities of life, namely food, water, shelter and clothing.

2. Why are farmers left unemployed for some part of the year? 
Ans. During the lean months, where there is no crop in the field, they need to find other sources of employment. 

3. What does a person engaged in animal husbandry do? 
Ans. They rear cattle and sell their milk to people in the village, to the people cooperative to nearby towns. Animals are also raised for their meat and skin.

4. Who is a street vendor? Give two examples. 
Ans. Several people earn their livelihoods by selling things in the streets. They are known as street vendors. Examples, vegetables vendors and rickshaw pullers. 

5. What is the difference between wage and salary? 
Ans. Wage :- An amount of money that is paid, usually daily or every week. 
Salary:- a fixed sum of money that is paid each month by the employer to an employee for work done.  

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