

Lesson 12, The End of it


Exercise Answers

A. Write True or False.

1. Scrooge woke up to a misty and dull day. ______
Ans. False

2. Scrooge promised to reward the boy with half-a-crown if he returned in less than 5 minutes. ______
Ans. True

3. The people in the streets were rude to Scrooge. _______
Ans. False

4. Scrooge and Fred's family had a wonderful time together. _______
Ans. True

5. The morning after Christmas, Scrooge went to his office early.
Ans. True

B. Read these lines and answer the questions. 

1. "Why, it's impossible to carry that to Camden Town." 
a. Who said these words and to whom?
Ans. Scrooge to the man 
b. What was impossible to carry?
Ans. Turkey
c. What solution did the speaker offer to help the person carry it easily? 
Ans. The speaker gave a solution to him to have a cab. 

2. He went to church in what about the streets 

a. Who is referred to as 'he' in this line? 
Ans. Scrooge
b. What did the person do on the streets? 
Ans. He walked with his hands behind and regarded everyone with delighted smile.
c. How did the walk make him feel?
Ans. The walk make him feel happy and delighted.

C. Answer these questions.

1. What did Scrooge plan to do with the Turkey? 
Ans. He decided to send the Turkey to Bob Cratchit, he was Scrooge's clerk and he would certainly appreciate the gift. 

2. What were the happiest sounds that Scrooge had ever heard?
Ans. The happiest sounds that Scrooge had ever heard were "Good morning, sir!" ans "A merry Christmas to you!" 

3. Whose house did Scrooge visit on Christmas? What did he do there? 
Ans. Scrooge visit on fred's house on Christmas. They had a wonderful party with many wonderful games. 

4. Why was Scrooge early at his office next morning? 
Ans. He wanted to play prank on Bob Cratchit. He would be their first and catch Bob Cratchit coming late!. 

5. How did Scrooge decide to help Bob Cratchit? 
Ans. Scrooge decide to help Bob Cratchit by raising his salary. 

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