

Lesson 13, Uncle Richard's New Year Dinner

 Exercise Answers

Q.1 Tick the correct options.

1. Uncle Richard had not been on speaking terms with Prissy and her father for _______ years.
a. ten
b. eight
c. six
Ans. b. eight

2. Prissy had planned to _________ On New Year's. 
a. read a book
b. cook dinner for her father
c. buy presents for everyone
Ans. a. read a book

3. Prissy found ________ in the pantry in Uncle Richard's house.
a. cooked dinner
b. potatoes, cabbage and turnips
c. raisin pudding
Ans. b. potatoes, cabbage and turnips

4. Uncle Richard called Prissy kind-hearted because ________.
a. She bought a New Year's gift for him. 
b. She loved her father unconditionally.
c. She had cooked dinner for him despite his behaviour.
Ans. c. She had cooked dinner for him despite his behaviour.

B. Read these lines and answers the questions.

1. "I didn't intend going over until the afternoon. . . "

a. Who said these words and to whom?
Ans. Uncle Richard to Mr. Miller
b. Where was the speaker going to? Why was he going there? 
Ans. The speaker was going to Navarre for some work.
c. Who else heard this conversation? 
Ans. Prissy

2. "I . . . I . . . came up to cook your dinner for you . . ." 

a. Who said these words and to whom? 
Ans. Prissy to Uncle Richard
b. Where was the speaker when she/he said this? What was the speaker doing there? 
Ans. She said this when she was at the dinner table where she was setting the table for uncle Richard.
c. Was the speaker scared when she/he said this? Why?
Ans. Yes, because she could not have looked or felt more guilty if Uncle Richard had caught her robbering his desk. 

C. Answer these questions.

1. Who was Richard Baker? Why didn't Prissy wish him? 
Ans. Richard Baker was Prissy's only Uncle. She didn't wish him because Uncle Richard had not been on speaking terms with her or her father for 8 years.

2. Why did Prissy feel sorry for Uncle Richard?
Ans. She felt sorry for him, imagening him returning from Navarre, cold and hungry, to find a fireless house and an uncooked dinner in the pantry.

3. What idea popped into Prissy's head?
Ans. She meant to go and cook Uncle Richard's dinner for him, get it all the beautifully ready, then slip away before he came home. 

4. What happened when Prissy was peppering the turnips?
Ans. She was just peppering the turnips when a gruff voice behind her said, "Well, well, what does this mean?"

5. How did Prissy react when she heard Uncle Richard's voice? 
Ans. She was too confused to set them down, so she stood there holding them, her face crimson, her heart thumping and a horrible choking in her throat.

6. What did Prissy promise to Uncle Richard? 
Ans. She promised to come and cook his Uncle's New Year's dinner for him every New Year. 

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