

Chapter 6 Painting the Breeze

Chapter 6

Exercise Answers

A. Tick the correct answers.

1. The last few days had not been easy for Parvati and her brother because ______.

a. they could not play outside.
b. their father was ill.
c. the weather was extremely cold.

Ans. b. their father was ill.

2. The bullock cart caught Parvati's attention because _______.

a. the horseman announced their arrival.
b. it made a lot of noise.
c. it looked majestic with the rich cloth and the bright curtains. 

Ans. b. it made a lot of noise.

3. Parvati had painted the koel's song from the bel tree on a ________.

a. plate
b. vase
c. bowl

Ans. b. vase

4. Laxman sold the pots for ______.

a. two panas. 
b. twelve rupees.
c. twelve panas. 

Ans. c. twelve panas. 

5. The horseman told Laxman that the lady ______.

a. was impressed by the pots made by the children _______.
b. was king Ashokavardhana's wife, the Queen.
c. lived in the village near by.

Ans. b. was king Ashokavardhana's wife, the Queen.

B. Answer these questions.

1. How did the two children make pots?

Ans. Walking to the banks of Ganga the two had collected the clay. Then nervously they had shaped them into water pots and cooking bowls, lamps, vases and plates. Many broke, some were out of shape, a few cracked when fired in the kiln. 

2. Why was Parvati painting the pots?

Ans. Parvati was painting the pots because she knew that painted pots sold better.

3. Why did Parvati feel like singing while working?

Ans. Parvati feel like singing while working because that day, her father did not have fever and there was food in the kitchen therefore she was happy.

4. How did Parvati make colours to paint the pots?

Ans. She had collected the soot from the lamps in the house, added oil and created black. She had ground some pieces of lime, which when mixed with water made white. Her brushes were twists of cotton. And with them she drew her dreams on the water pots and vases. 

5. Why did the lady seems so majestic to Parvati?

Ans. The lady seems so majestic to Parvati because all her clothes were of silk, the antariya, tied like a dhoti, was embossed all over with gold. The uttariya draped across her body and over her head was gossamer thin in a shade of a dull gold set with precious stones. 

6. How did Parvati explain her drawings to the noble lady?

Ans. Parvati pointed to the clouds she had drawn on the water pot and said, "if you draw clouds, what's around it become the sky." Then, turning, she pointed the palm tree at the border of the courtyard, the leafy fronds swaying and bending and said, "That's the Breeze." She pointed a vase with a curving design in black and white dots is the koel's song from the bel tree.

D. Form contractions by joining these words. 

1. he had                he'd   
2. she would         she'd 
3. the will             They'll
4. it is                      It's
5. we are               we're 
6. shall not            shan't 
7. did not               didn't
8. who have          who've
9. must not             mustn't 
10. could not         couldn't 

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