

Chapter 7 How I Went to Why

Lesson 7

Exercise Answers

A. Read these lines and answer the questions. 

1. "I am very pleased to meet you. Perhaps you can be good enough to tell me -"

a. Who said these words and to whom?
Ans. Narrator to Mr. Nobody.

b. What did the speaker want to know?
Ans. Speaker want to know his location.

c. What response did the speaker receive? was it satisfactory?
Ans. Mr nobody just smiled and nodded more violently than ever and simply pointed his finger at narrator. This response was not satisfactory for narrator. 

2. "Haven't you ever seen a crow before?"

a. Who said these words and to whom? 
Ans. Crow to narrator

b. Why did the speaker ask this question?
Ans. The speaker asked this question because narrator was staring at him as narrator haven't seen any crow reading newspaper.

c. Where was the speaker when he asked this question?
Ans. The speaker was standing in the direction to somewhere.

3. "Of course you are. It's only about a mile or two down the road."

a. Who said these words and to whom?
Ans. Oom Hi to narrator

b. What does 'It' refer to here?
Ans. It refers here the Kingdom of Why

c. Who wanted to go there? Why?
Ans. Narrator wanted to go there because he has an invitation from his majesty. 

B. Answer these questions.

1. What were the strange things that could happen in the Kingdom of Why?

Ans. The strange things that could happen were where all of the animals not only talk, but take an active part in the Government of land, a place where one is likely to receive an invitation to an evening party from an ostrich or is expected to escort an elderly rhinoceros in to dinner. It is a place where it is quite an everyday occurence to be called upon by a hen with a brood of young chickens just as you are sitting down to tea. 

2. Who invited the narrator to the Kingdom of Why? Why did he invite the narrator?

Ans. The narrator received a letter from His Majesty, the Wallypug. He asked narrator to visit him at his palace at why. 
He invited narrator because he wanted him to assist him in establishing some of his social customs and methods of government, which he had so greatly admired during his visit to England and which he was desirous of imitating in his own land. 

3. How did the narrator reach the kingdom of Why?

Ans. The narrator reached the kingdom of Why very strangely. Firstly he opened the packet in which there is a letter from His Majesty when a gust of wind rushed in at the window and blowing open the paper wrapper, A Little white powder flew up into to his eyes, for some time till the pain had gone. When he opened them again he reached an unknown place where there is just a fingerpost showing some weird directions, there he met some unknown strange people who took him to the kingdom of Why.

4. How does the narrator describe Mr. Nobody? What did Mr nobody give to the narrator?

Ans. The narrator describe Mr nobody as a curious-looking little person having an enormous head and apparently his arms and legs were attached to it and there was no trace of a body. 

5. What was 'Broncho'? Who invented it?

Ans. Broncho was a medicine bottle. Oom Hi invented it. 

C. Choose words from the box to add to the words given and make compound words. 

1. ice - cream
2. tea - Spoon
3. merry - go-round
4. well - being
5. basket - ball
6. flash - Light
7. bed - room
8. grand - father
9. post - office
10. mother - in - law
11. full - moon
12. black - board
13. fire - flies
14. sun - rise

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