

Chapter 14, Wanderlust

Exercise answers

Are you wanderlust? If yes, then you can easily sail through the following quiz. Answer these unique tourist destination with their descriptions. 

1. This is a well decorated khmer Temple in Cambodia dedicated to lord Buddha. 

Ans. Bayon

2. This huge Cliff in Norway is 1982 feet high which has an almost flat peak measuring 25 × 25 square metre. 

Ans. Pulpit Rock

3. This theme park built by Walt Disney Enterprises in Florida, USA, is the most visited theme park anywhere in the world.

Ans. Magic Kingdom

4. A landmark church in St. Petersburg, Russia. It is built on the spot where Emperor Alexander II was assassinated in March 1881. 

Ans. Church of the Savior on Blood

5. World's largest museum and historical monument in Paris, France. It contains the world's famous painting of Monalisa. 

Ans. The Louvre

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