

Chapter 17, Know Your Blood

 Exercise Answers
Let's see how well you know about the blood that flows inside your body! Fill in the blanks with correct answers.

1. Human blood consists of ________, white blood cells, _________ and plasma.

Ans. Red blood cells, Hemoglobin

2. __________, which is present inside the bones, makes the platelets, red blood cells and white blood cells. 

Ans. Bone Marrow

3. __________ is a pale yellow mixture of water, proteins and salts. 

Ans. Plasma

4. An average adult has approximately __________ litres of blood in his / her body. 

Ans. five

5. Platelets are the cells in your body that help to stop ___________ in case you get a cut or an injury. 

Ans. bleeding

6. Red blood cells carry an important chemical known as ___________ which provides red colour to the blood and also helps to transport oxygen to the blood cells. 

Ans. platelets

7. White blood cells are called ________ as they help us to fight infections. 

Ans. defenders

8. Increase in clotting time of the blood is a consequence of the deficiency of ________.

Ans. Vitamin K

9. A person with blood group ____ is a universal donor in the ABO system of the blood groups. 

Ans. O

10. A _________ is a centre which collects, stores, processes and transfuses blood.

Ans. blood bank


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