

Chapter 18, Chemistry in our Life

Answer the following question by choosing the correct option:

1. TNT is a well-known explosive. What does the abbreviation TNT stand for? 

  • Trinitrotoluene 
  • Trinitrotetralene

Ans. Trinitrotoluene

2. We use paper everyday, which is made up of a natural polymer. What is the name of this polymer? 
  • Teflon
  • Cellulose  

Ans. Cellulose

3. What is Vitamin C also known as?
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Salicylic acid 

Ans. Ascorbic Acid

4. The symbol Au represent the element 'Aurum'. What is Aurum more commonly known as? 
  • Platinum
  • Gold

Ans. Gold

5. What is an atom or molecule with net electric charge on it called? 
  • Diatom
  • Ion 

Ans. Ion

6. What is the name given to the substances that are initially involved in a chemical reaction? 
  • Reactants
  • Catalysts

Ans. Reactants

7. Which is the densest state of matter?
  • Liquid
  • Solid
  • Gas

Ans. Solid

8. What is the term used for positive and negative ions produced when a substance breaks apart in a solution? 
  • Cations
  • Anions
  • Birions

Ans. Birions

9. What is the first element in the periodic table? 
  • Lithium
  • Hydrogen

Ans. Hydrogen

10. What is the most important ore of aluminium? 
  • Calcite
  • Bauxite

Ans. Bauxite

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