

Into the Space (GK)


Exercise Answers 

A. Answer the questions:

1. This space program by Indian space research organisation (ISRO) to land a mechanized rover on the surface of the Moon in 2013 was named as ___________.

Chandrayaan 2

2. A ________ is a type of neutron star. It is regarded as the strongest magnetic object known in the universe. 


3. The tallest mountain peak of our solar system is __________. It is located on Mars and has a height three times greater than that of Mount Everest. 

Olympus Mons

4. The phenomenon because of which __________ concluded that the universe is expanding is called the Doppler Redshift of Galaxies.

Edwin Hubble

5. The _______ is the ice covered satellite of the planet Jupiter. Scientist believe that there is a liquid Ocean beneath the ice shelf that may be harbouring something completely different life forms. 


6. Stars that are extremely bright and big in size are known as _______. 

Hyper giants

7. ________ her massive and extremely remote celestial objects that are emitting exceptionally large amount of energy. They look like stars when viewed from a telescope. 


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