

Chapter 6, Major Landforms Of The Earth


Exercise Answers

A. Choose the correct answer:

1. Tectonic plates float over:

a. the crust
b. magma
c. the core
d. the lava

Ans. b. magma

2. A series of mountain ranges that run parallel to each other is known as a:

a. mountain peak
b. syncline
c. mountain system
d. plateau

Ans. c. mountain system

3. This landform is also known as a table land: 

a. Plain
b. Block mountain
c. Plateau
d. Volcanic mountain

Ans. c. Plateau

4. ' The Roof of the World ' is another name for: 

a. the Urals
b. the Gangetic Plains
c. the plateau of Tibet
d. the Black Forest Mountains

Ans. c. the plateau of Tibet

B. Fill in the blanks: 

1. ______ forces originate from below the surface of the Earth. 
Ans. Internal

2. The downward curves of Fold Mountains are called _______. 
Ans. Synclines

3. Land that sinks between two parallel faults forms a ________ _________.
Ans. Graben aur rift valley

4. When Magma is deposited on the surface of the Earth, it is called ______.
Ans. lava 

5. Deposits consisting of fine silt, sand and clay are known as _______.
Ans. alluvium

C. State the following as true or false:

1. The Aravallis is an example of young fold mountains. 

2. Fujiyama is an example of block mountains.

3. Plateaus have rich deposits of alluvium.

4. Accumulation of Lava results in the formation of black soil. 

5. Plains are formed through external forces. 

D. Answer in one or two sentences.

1. Define landforms. What are the major landforms of the earth
Ans. Landforms are natural features found on the surface of the earth; includes mountains, plateaus and Plains.

2. What is a mountain range?
Ans. A number of connected mountains that run in a line form a range called mountain range. 

3. How are fold mountains formed? 
Ans. When two tectonic plates collide, the land between them gets thrown up in giant folds

4. How is a plateau different from a mountain? 
Ans. Plateaus are lower in elevation than Mountains. 

5. What is a Plain? 
Ans. Plains are large areas of low, flat land with elevations not exceeding 200m above sea level. 

E. Answer in a paragraph:

1. What are the different forces that give rise to landforms?
Ans. The different forces that give rise to landforms are external forces which include rivers, waves, ice and wind and internal forces include The crust of the Earth. 

2. What are mountains? How are block mountains formed? Explain with the help of diagrams. 
Ans. Mountains are natural elevations of the Earth's surface that rise high above their surroundings. 
Block Mountains: 
When a block of land between two such cracks gets pushed up due to internal forces of the Earth, it forms of Block Mountain. 

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