

Poem 5, The Skylark

The Skylark

The earth was green, the sky was blue.
I saw and heard one sunny morn,
A skylark hang between the two,
A singing speck above the corn;

A stage below, in gay accord,
White butterflies danced on the wing,
And still the singing skylark soared, 
And silent sank and soared to sing.

The cornfield stretched a tender green
To right and left beside my walks;
I knew he had a nest unseen
Somewhere among the million stalks.

And as I paused to hear his song, 
While swift the sunny moments slid, 
Perhaps his mate sat listening song,
And listened longer than I did.

• Word meanings

1. sunny morn: bright morning
2. speck: a tiny spot
3. in gay accord: equally pleasant
4. tender green: a light shade of green
5. million stalks: the many corn plants in the field
6. the sunny moments slid: time passed

A. Complete these sentences. 

1. It was a bright and __________ morning when the poet saw the skylark. 
Ans. pleasant

2. The skylark looked like a _________ about the corn field. 
Ans. tiny spot

3. The poet compares the cornfield to a _________ .
Ans. light shade of green.

4. The skylark _______ when it sang and became silent when it __________. 
Ans. soared, danced

B. Answer these questions. 

1.  What did the poet see one morning? What was it doing? 
Ans. The poet saw a skylark singing. 

2. Where did the poet see the skylark?
Ans. The poet saw the skylark singing above the corn field. 

3. What were the butterflies doing?
Ans. The white butterflies were dancing on their wings.

4. Where does the poet think the nest of the skylark is? 
Ans. The poet think the nest may be somewhere among the million stalks.  

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