

Chapter 10, Safe at Last - 1

 Exercise Answers

A. Read these lines and answer the questions.

1. "It couldn't have gone very far. It must be hiding somewhere nearby."

a. Who said these words?
Ans. Henchmen 
b. Who does 'it' refer to? 
Ans. 'It' refers to deer.
c. Why did they think that it would be near by? 
Ans. They think it would have been nearby because that deer was on its last gasp. 

2. "I'll allow you to search the house." 

a. Who said these words and to whom?
Ans. Dhanai's father to Nalia.
b. What was the listener looking for?
Ans. The listener was looking for the deer.
c. What happened immediately after this? 
Ans. Nalia led his men to the mahout's cottage. The entire village seemed to follow them into the compound. 

B. Answer these questions.

1.  What method did the boys use while fishing?
Ans. In a barrier that they constructed across a narrow point of the stream, they left a small opening through which the could flow. A bamboo mesh placed at this opening trapped all the fish swimming downstream. 

2. What made the boys forget about fishing? 
Ans. When they heard noises from the direction of the village and with the natural curiosity of children, the boys momentarily forget about the fishing. 

3. How did the three friends go to the Dhanai's house?
Ans. They took a shortcut through the deserted backyard of another household, climbed over a low fence and entered the backyard of Dhanai's house. 

4. Where did the boys hide the deer? Why? 
Ans. The boys hide the deer in Dhanai's house bedroom to save from villagers.

5. What precautions did the three friends take to avoid any suspicion? 
Ans. In order to reinforce the impression that they knew nothing, the boys asked some other youngsters what was going on.  

6. Why did Nalia insist on searching the Dhanai's house?
Ans. For one thing, it was drawing attention away from his earlier blunder. For another, he had a score to  settle with Dhanai and his father. 

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