

Chapter 9, India: Natural Vegetation and wildlife


Exercise Answers

A. Choose the correct answer:

1. Thorn forests are found in the states of: 
a. Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan
b. Andhra Pradesh and Kerala
c. Rajasthan and Uttarakhand 
d. Himachal Pradesh and Assam

Ans. c. Rajasthan and Uttarakhand

2. Trees that can survive both in saline and freshwater belong to: 
a. Tropical rainforests
b. Mountain forests
c. Mangrove forests
d. Deciduous forests

Ans. c. Mangrove forests

3. The Gir forests of Gujarat are famous for: 
a. Royal Bengal tigers
b. One horned rhinoceros
c. Snow leopards
d. Asiatic lions

Ans. d. Asiatic lions

4. An example of a migratory birds is the:
a. crow
b. Peacock
c. Flamingo
d. Sparrow

Ans. c. Flamingo

B. Give Reasons for the following: 

1. Tropical rainforest are called 'evergreen' forests. 
Ans. The trees in evergreen forests shed their leaves at different times of the year as a result of which the forests remain green at all times of the year. 

2. Mountains do not have a uniform kind of vegetation.
Ans. The mountains not have a uniform kind vegetation because the types of vegetation found here varies with increasing altitude. 

C. Answer in one or two sentences.

1. Where are Tropical Evergreen Forests found in India? 
Ans. Tropical deciduous or monsoon forests are found in places that experience a distinct dry season, and winters are not too cold. 

2. Name two places where Tropical Deciduous forests are found in India. 
Ans. The Chota Nagpur Plateau, the hills of the Narmada and Tapti valleys. 

3. What is snowline? What kind of vegetation do we find beyond it? 
Ans. Snowline is the line beyond which plants do not grow, and there is a cover of permanent snow and bare rock. 

4. What do you understand by endangered animals? Give two examples of endangered animals. 
Ans. Endangered animals are species of animals, birds and plants in danger of disappearing forever. Two endangered animals are Bengal Tigers and Asiatic Lions.

5. What are migratory birds? 
Ans.  Migratory birds are the birds that fly to a place from distant places, stay temporary during winter, and fly back when it gets warmer. 

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