

Poem 7 Silver


Exercise Answers

A. Tick the correct options.

1. The moon walks the night in her silver shoon implies that ______

a. the moon is wearing silver shoes.
b. moonlight is slowly spreading through the night, turning everything silver
Ans. a. the moon is wearing silver shoes.

2. This way, and that, she peers, she sees. The word 'she' refers to _______

a. moonlight.
b. the moon. 
Ans. b. the moon. 

3. In the poem, the moon shines its light upon the ________

a. flowers. 
b. trees. 
Ans. b. trees. 

4. With paws of silver sleeps the dog means that ________ 

a. The paws of the dog are made of silver. 
b. The dog's paws shine like silver because of the moonlight falling on them. 
Ans. b. The dog's paws shine like silver because of the moonlight falling on them. 

5. The poet mentions the mouse with silver claws and a silver eye to show that _________

a. even the most ordinary animals look beautiful in moonlight 
b. the mouse comes out only at night 
Ans. a. even the most ordinary animals look beautiful in moonlight  

B. Answer these questions.

1. Which colour does the poet associate with the moon? 
Ans. Silver

2. How does the poet describes the movements of the moonbeams in the first three lines? 
Ans. The poet describes that the moon walks slowly and silently in the night in her silver shoes. She peers and sees the fruit on silver trees. Shining her silver colour on window panes under the roof. 

3. Name the animals from the poem that the moonbeams touch. 
Ans. Dog, mouse, fish and dove.

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